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TBF Pyrotec Firewall System Hire

£499.98 £416.65
VAT included


TBF Pyrotec Flame Bars are a propane powered tray that allow 1.5 meter sections of fire wall to be created, with a height of up to 1.5 metres in height.
You can lay the trays next to eachother to create long walls of fire. They can be used in a short burst, or for a longer periods if desired.

This is a FOR HIRE item - you will not own this system by buying this product. The hire will consist of 6 Flame Bars and a controller. Gas and delivery are not included. We can advise on costs for consumables and delivery depending on your needs. Please contact us is you need a different quantity of flame bars, we can provide as many or as few as requred.

To hire this equipment, you will need to prove your competancy and insurance cover for its use. If you do not have the skills or insurance to be able use these, we can happily provide an operator (and design services) to accompany this hire for an additional cost. You will need to contact us to discuss your requirements so we can work out a cost for your project/display. The length of hire will typically be 4 days, including shipping time - though we can be flexible on this, and can customise the hire to suit your needs.

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